Get Happy
I have been a blogging slacker. Can't help it. I'm feeling cut down. By work, not personal life. I helped Riley make his Super Bowl movie last night. It's funny. He takes a bunch of clips from the Super Bowl and strings them together to music. We have fun, but he bosses me around a little while we're working on it. That's okay with me because I think if he likes something like this, it can't be bad. He made two versions, one with the song "Stronger" and the other with a Hannah Montana song. He thought it was so funny. The one that was actually really funny is when we put on Elvis' "Devil in Disguise". One of the first lines, "you walk like an angel", happens to play at the exact moment Tom Brady runs out onto the field.
Not a whole lot more going on. I have been reading all of these articles on how to be happier. And I know I'm happy at home, but I have been having the hardest time being happy at work. All of these articles say the exact same thing. Getting a new job does not make you happier. At least not for the long term. They have tips, that yes, seem cheesy, but I've been trying to incorporate them into my work life. One of my big changes for work has been to stop gossiping. It is amazing how much better I feel. When you gossip about someone it makes you feel bitter towards them, at least it does me. It has made it impossible to interact with certain people and a few weeks ago I decided I need to interact with them. I need to stop getting annoyed every time they walk by my desk or want to talk to me. I feel so much better. Now if I could just take care of the stress part of work, my life would be a breeze. That will come in time. I hope.
There are other tips to being happy. Positive thinking (duh), writing down things that your thankful for (which I might do, but not for others to see), finding a stress free zone (probably not going to happen, but I don't really need a stress free zone, I'm not stressed at home).
One more bit of info, we are weaning Jilly Bean off of her binkie and oh my goodness that girl can talk. She talks all the time now. It's so cute. She is adorable.
Not a whole lot more going on. I have been reading all of these articles on how to be happier. And I know I'm happy at home, but I have been having the hardest time being happy at work. All of these articles say the exact same thing. Getting a new job does not make you happier. At least not for the long term. They have tips, that yes, seem cheesy, but I've been trying to incorporate them into my work life. One of my big changes for work has been to stop gossiping. It is amazing how much better I feel. When you gossip about someone it makes you feel bitter towards them, at least it does me. It has made it impossible to interact with certain people and a few weeks ago I decided I need to interact with them. I need to stop getting annoyed every time they walk by my desk or want to talk to me. I feel so much better. Now if I could just take care of the stress part of work, my life would be a breeze. That will come in time. I hope.
There are other tips to being happy. Positive thinking (duh), writing down things that your thankful for (which I might do, but not for others to see), finding a stress free zone (probably not going to happen, but I don't really need a stress free zone, I'm not stressed at home).
One more bit of info, we are weaning Jilly Bean off of her binkie and oh my goodness that girl can talk. She talks all the time now. It's so cute. She is adorable.
It really is hard to stay out of office gossip. I can remember drawing the line and saying I can't do this anymore if I want to rise out of this position. Then I did get a big promotion and no one told me gossip, at least not often, and that stunk too! Being out of the loop is almost as bad...
Deana, at 12:54 PM, February 10, 2008
Hope your week at work is a good one!
Unknown, at 4:44 AM, February 11, 2008
The gossip mill is pretty nasty where I work. In fact, one of my goals for Lent was to stay out of the whole thing and not get involved in people's business. You're right - it certainly makes one feel bitter towards another. Good luck at work this week.
Oh and btw, gratitude journals are a great thing to have. Puts it all in perspective when you start to get down about things like work.
Kate, at 11:32 AM, February 11, 2008
She is a cute, cute kid.
I like to make lists of things I love and that make me happy.
You should post some of your gratitude stuff, though. Then other people can tell you that they like what you like.
patri, at 12:25 PM, February 11, 2008
Gossip can be depressing. I hate it because it influences thinking. And, more often than not, the person who starts it is jealous of the person they're gossiping about. I hang my head in shame because I've been the instigator at times.
Maybe that's why I've turned my focus on politics. Of course, there's lots of *gossip* with that, too. But, the good thing is nowadays you can Google to find out the truth.
Too bad we can't Google office gossip to find out the truth, or maybe we can.
I've found exercise helps me focus more positively. :o)
Karen, at 9:53 AM, February 12, 2008
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