Pink Sheets

Monday, December 31, 2007

Happy New Year!

Do you have any resolutions? I don't like to make them but I guess I will this year. I suppose I'll try and keep myself in better shape. So, I'll commit to losing about 6 lbs. Brian says that's pretty ambitious. Whatever.

Okay, here is the moment you've been waiting for. Christmas pics.

Here is one of the kids standing around the Charlie Brown Christmas Tree that they cut down. Riley dragged it back to the cabin.

Here is the little tree decorated and our presents underneath.

This picture is just cute.

And this is one of me getting my Tiffany necklace. I love those little blue boxes. Also, tickets to the Blue Man show were inside. Brian told me I was going to have a blue Christmas. Again...whatever. And that's me with glasses. I'm sure you're impressed.

And here's a Christmas pic of Brian, at his parent's house. For some reason the silly picture I took of him at the cabin pouting because no one took his picture isn't in this file. Hmm...interesting.


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