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Monday, July 27, 2009

Bad Food on the Brain

I have food on the brain recently. Bad food. I think it's because I'm "dieting" or maybe because Brian finished his kegerator and bought this super yummy beer from The Ram . It's their Big Horn Blonde and it's so easy to drink. Too easy in fact. And drinking beer makes me hungry and it also makes me gain weight because there are a million useless calories in beer. It's so unfair. We can just have a glass of beer whenever we want. And we do.

Friday afternoon I took Brian to La Vie En Rose Bakery and Bistro for lunch. I was craving their Orange Caramel French Toast with cheesy potatoes. They are to die for. I literally did not care that I felt like a cow after I ate them because they are that good. My friend asked me what I had for lunch and as I was describing the potatoes she turns to me and says, "if you knew what I had for lunch you would not be telling me this". She had Weight Watchers Mac and Cheese. I apologized.

I was going to have Brian take me there for my birthday but they only serve breakfast Friday, Saturday and Sunday. So, I had to go Friday or I would never get my delicious potatoes. My birthday is on Tuesday this year.

Tomorrow I'm going to dinner for a work thing. We're going to Barbacoa where they have the best "ice-tini's" ever. They are so cool and refreshing and easy to drink. They also have the best guacamole if you like guacamole. I can't wait. I'm sure I'll pig out just as much as I did for Friday's lunch.

And all weekend it was the same story. I took the girls to the fair and we pigged out. I sat around Sunday drinking beer from the keg and watching Supernatural and of course, pigging out. I'm afraid to weigh myself next week. That's when it will really hit. I'm going to try and be good the rest of the week. Except Tuesday of course.

I had a horrible dream last night. The kind where you wake up and you are so relieved that it was just a dream but your still a little ticked off about what happened in that dream. Then I told Brian about it and he was acting all ass-y about it so then I was actually mad. In real life. And then my Ipod synced with all of Brian's music on it instead of my music and then I was really angry. He's lucky we drove separate this morning. Sheesh! Anyway, I'm not really mad but I did tell him he would be punished today. He laughed as if he didn't believe me. Hmmm..

Well, I'm starving now that I've been talking about food. I really want a donut but I'm going to go grab my Slim Fast and strawberries. See how good I am?

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

We're Back

We've actually been back since Friday, but I have been much too busy to write. I haven't even been playing Farm Town on Facebook which is weird. I love that game. Brian calls me a loser, but whatever.

I have been a Facebook freak lately. Facebook is so much different from my MySpace. On MySpace I have friends on there that I actually talk to regularly and know what's going on in their lives, mostly. On Facebook my friends are all people I went to high school with. And every time I add a friend from high school it gives another friend from high school that I might know and should add and so it never gives me people I might actually know out of high school and I can never really think to search for anyone that I might know who might be on Facebook. It's just bizarre. So, I'm friends with a bunch of people in high school. Some of them didn't even talk to me in high school. And some I think I remember them, but I don't really remember them. You know what I mean?

I do have a blogger friend on Facebook-Kate-and my family. Don't get me started on the family. Talk about having to censor yourself. Ugh, I feel like I can't complain about anything. I won't complain about them too much here either, I suppose.

I've also been reading a lot of articles about Facebook. Mostly people write articles about what losers Facebook people are. They have all this time to update their status and whatnot because they don't have a life. I think it's because a lot of people work in cubes and are on the computer constantly. And a little bit is that we don't have lives. Oh well.

Anyway, my stupid diet has been paying off. Who would have thought that eating less calories could equate to losing weight. Seriously, who knew!? It's really quite annoying. I've read a like a million articles on how to lose weight. They all start out something like, "all you need to do to lose ten pounds is..." and they go on to explain that you should eat about 20 calories a day and work out 50 hours a week and add a little strength training another 20 hours a week and you should lose weight no problem. That's what it seems like anyway. I didn't do that but pretty close. I cut back on a bunch of junk food and I work out practically every day and I started running and doing yoga. So, it's helped. I've lost between 5 and 6 lbs and I can definitely tell. Only a few pounds left to be back to my pre-Christmas weight. Woo hoo!

Okay enough obsessing. For now.

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Getting Ready to Get Out of Here!

I start a post, I delete a post. I just don't know what I want to say exactly. I have all of these things floating in my head but nothing seems to stick.

This week Jillian is an only child. She isn't as bad as I thought she might be. She tends to get a little testy when there's no one for her to play with.

Riley and Darby are spending two weeks at their dad's. I had to negotiate some time because I want to take a week off with them next week which was not originally my week. Now it is. So, he has two weeks and I have two weeks. I had to pick the lesser of two evils. Either negotiate with him or try and negotiate a different week with work. Past experience tells me negotiating anything with anyone at work is not an option. So, I get Riley and Darby back in a couple of days. The extra week away hasn't been so bad. And Darby is really good about keeping me updated.

Jordan is currently on a road trip with his grandparents and cousins. We don't know if he's having fun. He left a message on Monday, they were almost to Denver, but there was no way to know if he was enjoying himself from the message. When it's all said and done, I'm certain he will be glad he went. Probably exhausted, but happy.

Fourth of July weekend at the cabin was so much fun. We didn't have very much time up there, but I'm sure we'll make up for it this coming week. We went to the Cascade parade. They kept saying it is "the best little town parade in the county" and I think they might be right. It's so much fun for the kids. So many people show up and yet you can see the whole entire thing no problem.

Jillian has so much fun up in the mountains. She gets all scratched and bruised and has mosquito bites and just loves to talk about her mountain wounds when she gets home. She has a scratch on her arm from when she almost fell off of a "cliff". It was the funniest thing I've ever seen. She fell over an edge that was not exactly straight down, angled more at slant than what she would have believed. If you saw her face when she fell you might have thought the drop down was 500 feet rather than the maybe 6 feet that it actually was. (Plus, it wasn't a drop. She would have just slid down a little.) She was holding on for dear life trying not to fall. Screaming the entire time. Why I didn't have a camera I don't know, but I would love to capture that on film.

I don't know exactly what we're going to be doing up there next week. We usually go to some of the other towns up there and have lunch and go to the lake. I think we should probably go to the lake a couple of times this year. I think the weather is going to be perfect for going to the lake. Or maybe it's just wishful thinking. Either way I'm not going to be at work. Woo hoo!

I told Brian yesterday that there was a man on the Today show talking about how to get out of a rut and how it's really not that great of advice. I think it's one of those things that is easier said than done. The man said to figure out what you love to do and then find a way to get paid for it. I'm thinking "really, what do I love to do that someone would pay me to do"? I can't even think of what it is I love to do. Brian was helpful. He said I love to eat chocolate milkshakes and watch Dead Like Me. He's right. Now, how can I get paid for that? If you have any suggestions I would love, love, love to hear them.

Every one have a great week. And a great next week. I'm pretty certain I will.