Pink Sheets

Monday, April 21, 2008

One Reason Why I Don't Feel Old-For Today At Least

Brian and I went to Subway for lunch on Friday. There's a high school near by so we have to put up with the high school kids while eating, but sometimes that can be interesting. *side note: not looking forward to having high school kids in the house.* I was listening to a couple of the boys talk, because they're loud, and they were talking about a girl's mom being really hot. They discussed this for quite sometime and one of the boys hadn't met her yet but really wanted to meet her and he thought he was going to have the chance last Friday, but it didn't work out. During this conversation I was thinking to myself that this woman must be pretty good looking for those boys to be going on like that. Then I felt a little depressed that I wasn't considered a hot mom. And then I ordered my lunch and completely forgot about the conversation.

That afternoon I decided since I had to get the kids to their games 1/2 hour early I may as well get some exercise in during that time. I normally sit on the bleachers and watch them warm up while talking to the other moms and eating some sort of junk food. I can do that during the game. Now I've decided I will take a walk. I got Riley all situated and started on my route around the field and school and back to the field. On the way the way there's a skate park.

As I walk by I hear someone yelling hi. I ignore it. It gets more persistent so I turn around. Some kid is yelling hi to me and waving. I wave back and continue on my way. I hear another yell, "hey who is that? Is that a mom?" They other kid yells back, "yeah, that's a mom! I'm going to have her try out for my hot mom skater website. Hey! Do you want to try out for my hot mom website?" At this point I was satisfied that some teenage kid thought I was a hot mom and went merrily on my way, completely ignoring them.

I probably won't be a hot mom when Riley is actually a teenager, but I'll take what I can get.


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