Pink Sheets

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Labor Day Weekend Should Last All Week

I had such a nice weekend, I can't believe I have to be at work now. We left early Saturday morning and headed up to the cabin. After we set up the kids' tent it was nothing but relaxing. We didn't leave the cabin once. Normally we might make a trip into one of the nearby towns or go to the lake or take a hike, but not this time. We sat around and did nothing.

I actually thought on Sunday morning I might take a hike when Jillian laid down for her nap, but things didn't work out that way exactly. After she laid down Brian and I headed down to see his parents and say hi to his brother and sister-in- law who had just arrived. As it turns out we were just in time for a glass of wine. Which I think may have turned into five, but who's counting. After that I didn't really have the energy nor the motivation for a hike. After dinner I took a little nap (or passed out, whatever). It would have been longer, but for some reason the baby will not allow sleeping on her time. She kept sitting on me prying my eyes open with her little fingers. It was a little annoying, but she's so cute who can stay annoyed?

We came home Monday and lounged around the house and did some shopping. Tuesday I was not ready to start the week at work. It's already Wednesday but the days aren't going by as fast as I expected. Oh well. How many more days until Thanksgiving? Does anyone know?


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