Is it mean to think this photo is hilarious? What a dork! Poor Riley. He is so going to be teased about this. Nonstop. From his very loving family.
Anyway, every year our work has a week of events to get people to donate to the United Way. This year they were having a rubber chicken toss and pie eating contest, among other activities. I was in the hallway talking to one of my co-workers, when a temp, that hasn't been so temporary considering she's been here as long as I have, walked up to us. Now keep in mind it takes a lot of patience to talk to her. She's a bit-annoying. I have no patience. So, she walks up to us and says to me, "what time are you going up to do the rubber chicken toss?" Well, you might think that this is an innocent question. That perhaps, I had stated I was going to do the chicken toss. That I had been practicing that very moment to toss a rubber chicken. No. I had no plans of tossing any rubber chickens. I was standing there minding my own business. I simply replied, "I'm not doing the chicken toss." And walked away annoyed.
I told Brian of this encounter, "why does she assume I'm doing the chicken toss. She said it as if it was common knowledge. Do I look like the type of person who goes around tossing rubber chickens? NO! I don't."
Then a co-worker came over after lunch to chit chat and gossip a bit, because that's what you do when you work in an office. Don't judge. He brings up the topic of our infamous temp. I start into my rant about how rude it is to assume that I was doing the rubber chicken toss. "It's not like I sent out a message stating that I was tossing rubber chickens for gosh sakes. Seriously! Why woudld she think that?"
"Well, you do have a rubber chicken on your desk." Slowly I turn around and sure enough. There is a rubber chicken staring at us. A rubber chicken, I myself, put on my desk. But for purely different reasons than tossing it. I haven't tossed the chicken once and I don't plan to, Ever.