Pink Sheets

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Happy Birthday Jilly-Ann!

I can't believe my sweet little baby is already a year old. I can't believe that one year ago I had an afternoon appointment with my doctor, around 2, where he told me that I may be having contractions, I was dialated, stay close to the hospital. Which I did. I went back to work about 5 or 6 minutes away. And I walked around with my very good friend Bert. (A woman, by the way.) And then by 4:20 pm Jillian made a little squeak, stuck her thumb in her mouth and fell asleep. And she has been my little sweetie ever since.

So, here is how the birthday thing is going to work out. And yes, I caved and am going to have Jordan's party on Thanksgiving even though I feel like it's a bit of a cop out, but I don't have any time to have it! I'm swamped. Jillian's party with Brian's family will be on Saturday at noon. We'll take Jordan out for the fun part of his birthday that evening. To a movie and dinner perhaps. On Wednesday we will celebrate both Jordan and Jillian's birthdays with my family. Then on Thurday we will celebrate Jordan's birthday with Brian's family. Ugh! That sounds like a lot of work. But honestly, I love parties so I don't mind.

Here's a run down of what Jillian's been up to. She started walking at 10 months, which was much too early for me. Now she tries to run. She blows kisses and waves goodbye, but not on command. She says duck, hot and cat clearly and some think she says dog, but that's debatable. She points at things she wants or likes. And she is a screamer. She screams when she's happy, mad, sad. It doesn't matter, she just likes screaming. We might start to hate that.


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