Pink Sheets

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Busy, Busy, Busy

I have been so busy at work this week. Argh!!! My inboxes are completely full. I hate that. I hate piles. But in a way, it keeps me sane. Knowing I have so much to do gives me relief. I know it's crazy, but what's even crazier would be to sit here doing nothing. That can drive a person batty.


  • i hate being busy and i hate being bored. i'm just never happy at work. hee!

    By Blogger cat, at 11:26 AM, May 05, 2005  

  • Yes, I suppose it is a lose-lose situation. Hmph!

    By Blogger Jolynn, at 11:35 AM, May 05, 2005  

  • I'm busy AND bored. Hence, I'm rebelling by spending my time reading blogs and taking care of personal business at work. What did people do at work before the internet? How did they not go insane?

    By Blogger Marguerite, at 1:56 PM, May 05, 2005  

  • Oh my God! I wonder the same thing. I've never been at an office job before the internet became so popular. They must have gone insane. Maybe they played cards? Talk on the phone? Write letters on the typewriter? Who knows.

    By Blogger Jolynn, at 2:13 PM, May 05, 2005  

  • LOL!! We had plenty to do! I do remember writing letters to a boyfriend though in the corner behind the office plant! And we YAKK-ED alot!
    What's really weird is...the speed limit on the highway was only 55! Can you imagine what 55 was like?

    By Blogger Envoy-ette, at 2:54 PM, May 07, 2005  

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