A Funny Thing Happened
Well, not so much "ha ha" funny as "what the heck is going on" funny. Last Friday Brian and I attended a retirement party that took place after work. That meant we needed babysitters. And it just so happened to conveniently be scheduled on a week we had all the kids. Thus, it took some very creative maneuvering in order to get everyone supervised for the amount of time we needed for the party.
I arranged to have my sister pick up the older kids at daycare after she got off work and take them back to our place for dinner. This would have been the perfect set up, except she had a concert to leave for shortly afterwards and we still needed to do something with the baby. Then, I had the bright idea that we would pick up Jillian and drop her off with my mom and my mom would then drive over to our house in order for my sister to make her concert. It all seems easy enough right?
I thought so. Brian thought so, kind of. He did have some doubts. Regardless, we went to our party and had some yummy drinks and delicious food and a pretty good time. We drive home. When we arrive we expect to see my mom's car. And that's it. Instead, we see that both my sisters are there as well as my mom. What the hell is going on? I get out and it seems that my mom locked her keys in her car and couldn't get a locksmith out in time. She said something about a police officer coming out and they had to break the window. Then she had my sister pick her up and bring her and a very scarred Jillian to Nampa and my other sister was still there because obviously they did not make it in time for her to go to her concert.
Are you getting all of this? Well, after my three Cosmo martinis and some other fruity, sweet drink I didn't really get it at all. I just wanted to hug my upset baby and get the kids to bed. Everyone left.
After contemplating the evening some more Brian and I concluded that our baby must have been locked in the car. Nothing else made sense. I wasn't going to ask my mom because it would be too upsetting for her if that was the case, but it so obviously must have been the case. Because the police do not come out to get your car unlocked unless it's an emergency. They especially do not break the windows on your car, I'm pretty certain, unless there is some sort of emergency. I'm guessing that my probably screaming Jillian was the emergency. And we still didn't know for sure, we were just guessing.
Then yesterday we were watching the news and they had a segment on how hot your car gets this time of year and don't leave your kids or animals in the car. And they mentioned that last week they had two incidents of a child locked in the car. Hmm...our little Jillian maybe? And then they ended with "most of the time a child being left in the car is an accident. Like when someone locks their keys in the car with the baby." Yes, Jillian was locked in the car. I'm almost positive now.
I arranged to have my sister pick up the older kids at daycare after she got off work and take them back to our place for dinner. This would have been the perfect set up, except she had a concert to leave for shortly afterwards and we still needed to do something with the baby. Then, I had the bright idea that we would pick up Jillian and drop her off with my mom and my mom would then drive over to our house in order for my sister to make her concert. It all seems easy enough right?
I thought so. Brian thought so, kind of. He did have some doubts. Regardless, we went to our party and had some yummy drinks and delicious food and a pretty good time. We drive home. When we arrive we expect to see my mom's car. And that's it. Instead, we see that both my sisters are there as well as my mom. What the hell is going on? I get out and it seems that my mom locked her keys in her car and couldn't get a locksmith out in time. She said something about a police officer coming out and they had to break the window. Then she had my sister pick her up and bring her and a very scarred Jillian to Nampa and my other sister was still there because obviously they did not make it in time for her to go to her concert.
Are you getting all of this? Well, after my three Cosmo martinis and some other fruity, sweet drink I didn't really get it at all. I just wanted to hug my upset baby and get the kids to bed. Everyone left.
After contemplating the evening some more Brian and I concluded that our baby must have been locked in the car. Nothing else made sense. I wasn't going to ask my mom because it would be too upsetting for her if that was the case, but it so obviously must have been the case. Because the police do not come out to get your car unlocked unless it's an emergency. They especially do not break the windows on your car, I'm pretty certain, unless there is some sort of emergency. I'm guessing that my probably screaming Jillian was the emergency. And we still didn't know for sure, we were just guessing.
Then yesterday we were watching the news and they had a segment on how hot your car gets this time of year and don't leave your kids or animals in the car. And they mentioned that last week they had two incidents of a child locked in the car. Hmm...our little Jillian maybe? And then they ended with "most of the time a child being left in the car is an accident. Like when someone locks their keys in the car with the baby." Yes, Jillian was locked in the car. I'm almost positive now.
Sorry to hear about that. I am glad she is safe and sound. How are you?
Unknown, at 5:10 AM, July 06, 2007
you barely drew breath then
glad she's ok.. is your mom over it now?
Lou Lou, at 12:22 PM, July 06, 2007
I always make sure that the car door is open when I take out the groceries etc. It's my worst nightmare!
Anonymous, at 12:41 PM, July 06, 2007
WHOOPS! I was always afraid I'd do that.
Kami, at 12:54 PM, July 08, 2007
Holy crap! I'm sure that'll be one of those stories the family talks about years later, and you'll find out for sure.
Beth, at 1:30 PM, July 09, 2007
omg...I think you are right! Whose car was it...your moms? Well, like Beth says, you'll find out years from now! *LOL
Envoy-ette, at 6:42 PM, July 10, 2007
Poor Jillian!
You must be an awfully good daughter to forgo your own curiosity to ease your mother's feelings.
Jay, at 10:08 AM, July 11, 2007
Well, the good news is that she's okay.
When my oldest was a baby, she was really quiet in the car and I was always afraid that if I accidentally forgot to drop her off at daycare, I could EASILY have locked her in the car at work, not realizing she was still there. Thank goodness that never happened, but after I told my husband about the secret fear, he started calling me at work EVERY MORNING for like a couple of YEARS to make sure I had dropped her off.
(And yes, I am majorly catching up on your posts since it's been a while since I've been over here!)
Anonymous, at 10:08 AM, July 19, 2007
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